Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

enaknya ngapa yah.nunggu lama kaya gini.mpe jam3 pula.huaaahhhhhh.ga ad kerjaan selaen denger lagu.maen games.need a new activity.
nothing special for today.just like yesterday.yeaah.start to stay this subject with friends and a new lecture who given so many things knowledge for us.promised with my self that i have to reach a nice result.

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009


we're friends forever.hoho.Caecilia Novi Riantika Dewi..Aloysia Nindyana Carissa Devi..Paulina Hernanda..Nidya Meyliana Putri...foto-foto d salah kampuz gitu.hahhahha....uda lama yah kita ga kumpul and futu2 bareng gitu.aku kangeeennnn kalian semua.akuuuu saiank kalian semua...huhuhu.
hhhhhm.someone who filled in my heart with so many things that sometimes made me confused.oh.dun know we can make relationship each other.sometimes we fight for the little things.honestly i never meant to start a war with you.you know i never wanna hurt you right.i don't want to build battlefield.our battlefield was broken with the all our emotion.hhhm..no one known that he is very kind of me.all the way i can say is thank you for you mark.i can't deny that you still live inside of me..
hhhhhhaaa.gambarnya rada kabur.aku cinta ajr.hhhe.coba tebak aku dimana.rasanya ga pengen lupain mereka.D ATMA JAYA radio aku bisa survive dengan anak2 yang "gila"hahhahahha.love u all guyz.hhhhe.


huaaaah.ari niy mengenaskan.hukhuk.bangun pagi2 jam stengah 6.truz ngerjaen tugas hubungan media.huaaaaaaaahhhh.mpe d kampuz jam9.mo kul ansos EEEEEeeeh..eeeh.ternyata kosong.huuhhh.nasib.nasib.gara2 mggu lalu boloz ansos.hukhuk.yaudalah nasb.hahhah.badan panaz.batuk2.gpp.i am gonna be alright.hhhhe...

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

when i fall down...

today.what the feeling for today.i know what's happening here.huhu.Oh..no..why i am just gonna be upset again?where is my spirit which given me so powerful..huhu.sometimes i judge my self just nothing and wont see who is me and curious who is me?huhu.don't know with my self and trying to fight a battlefield with my self.feeling so down.huh.i don't care.i gotta get my spirit right now and step forward.hahaha.i destined to reach a nice expectation for GOD.i love you LORD.i love you with the way i am becare YOU love me just the way i am.huhu